Creating a Platform for Educators to Share and Learn
Bringing together passionate educators from different backgrounds, the third series of #TeachMeetMalaysia saw six inspirational teachers share their respective experiences within and beyond the classroom. The ideas are practical and ready to be used by interested educators across the country - as schools find their new normal.
We are proud to see teachers from public and international schools using this platform to learn and share interesting teaching ‘tips and tricks’ from each other.
If you missed it, here is the link to the full discussion which was also live-streamed on Facebook:
Alternatively, here are some short- clips from our last meet.
Videos of #TeachMeetMalaysia

Remembering to social distance in the classroom - Subha Chaudhuri, Sayfol International School, KL
#TeachMeetMalaysia is an informal meeting session which encourages teachers and practitioners to share their ideas on how to improve student outcomes and to learn from each other’s experiences.
If you are interested to be a presenter for the upcoming #TeachMeetMalaysia, please register here -