Puan Shamsinar Hayati binti Mohd Shith, the headmistress of SK Lembah Subang was saddened by the plight of the parents in her community. Most of them had asked for financial help from the teachers during MCO due to loss of income during the pandemic. While a lot of help and sponsorship was sourced for and given to the parents, Puan Shamsinar wanted to teach this B40 community to fish instead of always providing the fish.
Thus, in collaboration with Bank Rakyat’s CSR initiative, a Hydroponic Farming Project (Projek Tanaman Secara Hidroponik) started on 6 May 2021 to support students and parents in SK Lembah Subang to grow vegetables and rear fish via hydroponic/aquaponic method.
The aim of this project is for families to have their own source of food, and if more is produced, they can start a small business. Bank Rakyat’s role is to help track their profits by setting up accounts and giving them sound financial advice.
Good luck to SK Lembah Subang!