Mental Health Literacy for Teachers
Mental health literacy in LeapEd is rigorous and encompasses a research-led approach and model for change, that will see a transformation in the school climate towards positive mental health and wellbeing for educators and students.
Course Overview
Our Mental Health intervention begins at grassroots level from empowering the educator in recognising and responding to mental health issues to supporting youth in breaking down stigmas and encourage help seeking behaviour towards collective positive mental health and wellbeing. Through a series of interventions with senior leadership, middle leaders teachers, parents, and students, we aim to elevate the knowledge and understanding of mental health and well-being, and the impact that good mental health can have on achievement and success.
Through a combination of capacity building, community engagement, and specialised ongoing support – we will empower and transform the school culture and climate, creating safe spaces for young people. Via student voice, we will educate and develop knowledge, awareness and skillsets for young people to advocate for their own mental health and well-being, through self-care approaches.

Through a rigorous research led approach and model for change, our Mental Health Literacy approaches creates enablers to improve school climate towards positive mental health and wellbeing for educators and students. Our intervention increases the knowledge, understanding, and skills of key adults and students, in order to break down stigma associated with mental health issues, normalize help seeking behaviour, and ensure that the whole community works together to support students and educators.
This programme supports educators and students to :
- Enhancement of knowledge of mental health issues
- Challenge pre-existing beliefs about mental health problems
- Help enable early recognition of those who are struggling
- Encourage an empathetic response to those needing help
- Break down stigma associated with mental health concerns
- Empower educators and students to make better choices and decisions about their mental health
By measuring student efficacy, well-being, and resilience we endeavour towards data driven impact, removing stigma and making support available.