Child Protection & Safeguarding
We are an organisation committed to education transformation. As such, we are dedicated to upholding the safeguarding and welfare of all children and young people. Our framework is aligned to: United Nations conventions on Child Rights, Malaysian government legislation, international best practices by UNICEF and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Our Aims & Approach
At LeapEd, we believe all children have the right to a safe environment.

Our policy, guidelines and procedures, guide us and our stakeholders on their roles and responsibilities:

It promotes and prioritise their safety and wellbeing via appropriate learning opportunities to recognise, identify and respond to signs of abuse, neglect and other safeguarding concerns.

It helps to create a child-safe organisation, promote the protection of children from abuse or exploitation and provide guidance and processes for handling allegations.

Ongoing learning and collaboration with external agencies through partnerships, sharing and raising awareness in various forms from training, advocacy and external partnership.
How We Can Help You?
Our decade of working in the Malaysian education system ensures our training provides contextually relevant best practice, alongside a deep working knowledge of the system. All our training:
Explains Malaysian Law and Standard Operating Procedures alongside International Best Practice.
Challenges harmful social and gender norms in a safe setting.
Advocates for a ‘safe and enabling’ School Environment by empowering those that work with children.
Here are links to the Malaysian agencies that are championing Child Protection and Safeguarding:
Resources & Further Reading
Here are some resources and further reading materials to help you understand more about Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies.