What should you do?
LeapEd has been working over the last few months to update all our Child Protection and Safeguarding procedures, especially considering remote learning. There are no easy answers to keeping children safe in these times, though having honest conversations is the best way to get started.
We believe that children stay safer when agencies connect and collaborate on issues within the community. On 18 November 2020, we were delighted to link with SUKA Society’s Anderson Selvasegaram (Executive Director) and Sarah Teo (Senior Manager) to discuss the Child Protection landscape in Malaysia, and how their agency works to keep children safe.
We had a wide-ranging conversation about the work that SUKA does to empower local communities, advocate for children across Malaysia, and the problems that the Covid-19 pandemic has created for all children to access education.
We talked about several common scenarios that educators are facing with remote learning, and what teachers can do to help keep children safe. All their inputs and ideas have been incorporated into our brand-new Child Protection and Safeguarding awareness programme.
What should teachers do when they are worried about a child?
- Ask for support from School Management and get their perspectives before doing anything hasty. Communicate your worries about the situation and ask for help in dealing with it.
- Remember there is never a one size fits all solution as every child and every family will have a unique set of circumstances. Teachers must be open minded and listen without making judgements.
- Start a conversation with Parents by finding a way to open a channel of communication without accusing or threatening. frame the conversation as concern for the child in your care rather than judgement on the family. Listen and provide support.
- Give the child a voice by finding ways to make connections with the child, without asking leading questions. Build a relationship so that there is a trusting relationship between teacher and student so they have a trusted adult to approach should they need to.
- Raise awareness of issues in the school community and encourage colleagues to share ideas and strategies for dealing with concerns. Giving teachers the opportunity to connect, discuss, raise awareness and share experiences are powerful ways toensure everyone remain vigilant in keeping children safe.
If you would like to talk to us about keeping children safe and the safeguarding in the Malaysian context, contact us now at [email protected].