LeapEd Bright Ideas
Children are spending more screen time on their devices and we have to ensure they are aware of their digital safety. One way is to encourage the use of a strong password or 'passphrase'.
Passphrases cannot be guessed and are also difficult to crack when using software.
For example, if we take the first letters of the passphrase ‘I met my best friend at Starbucks Coffee Shop’, it creates a password of IMmbf@SCs.
This super strong password would take approximately 44 years to crack!
Remind your students/children to create their own super strong password using a clever passphrase.
Prompts for a passphrase include:
When and where do you go to school?
When and where do you buy your favourite food?
What is the last line of your favourite song?
When you have created your new passphrase and password, you can test the strength of it using this link: http://www.useapassphrase.com
Remember, every online account you have should have a different passphrase. Change your passphrase from time to time, and don’t reuse an old one.
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